Gillian Price
Travel writer and photographer
Leading English-language expert on walking and life-style in Italy, GILLIAN PRICE is a long-term resident of the glorious waterlogged city of Venice, which she knows like the back of her hand.
She spends much of the year exploring breathtaking regions of Italy for her guidebooks and magazine features, easily distracted by wildflowers, volcanoes, oral history, legendary goings-on, not to mention unusual vintages and gastronomical treats.
She is especially enamoured of long-distance treks across the Italian Dolomites and the Alps.
Gillian’s host of books can be found on Guidebooks; go to Contributions to see the books to which she has contributed with inspired writing and photographs.
Gillian doesn’t own a car and is a keen promotor of public transport to minimise environmental impact in alpine areas—and everywhere else.
An active member of the Venice branch of the Italian Alpine Club CAI, she also belongs to the international group Mountain Wilderness in defence of mountains everywhere.